Saturday, February 5, 2011

Movie Movies Movies....

The Oscars are upon us and everyone who really matters is counting down until the big night on February 27th. I sure as hell am!

Now the past few moths have been a bit crazy for me, but I have found time to check out a few of the movies(the ones that didn't look like crap from their preview).

Black Swan
The King Speech
Blue Valentine
The Fighter
The Kids Are Alright(though that was earlier lat year, I felt it was necessary to include for my argument later on.)
The Social Network
Winters Bone

and others but those were the only ones that inspired me enough to mention.

Now we all know what the theme is this year for the Oscars... Youth or  in laymen terms youngness compared to others! When I say youth I truly only mean it for two categories, but they are big. first The Social nooneexspectedittobesobigandnowmarkzuckerbergisevnmorepopular Newtwork!!!

The Social Network's main audience is...well, everyone. No one living in this day & age(except for a few) is oblivious to that strange black hole of hours called facebook. Already this movie screams relevant! hip! Wow it's only been seven years, how is there drama in that?! Someone must have suspected their would be a bit of a buzz surrounding it. With Aaron Sorkin's quick funny yet sadly moving script, David Fincher's straightforward direction, and Jesse Eisenberg's Micheal Cera who? performance, this movie might just have been the most perfect combination of talents in quite some time.

Now looking at the cast and the theme, one's first impression would be "Those damn good for nothing lazy kids get a movie glorifying why their so lazy.", but really the movie is "Power can be a weapon, but it doesn't always strike in the most obvious ways or places." But most of America will probably stick with the latter until The Social Network wins for Best Picture.

Now moving onto a different category, specifically two women who got their breaks in the more awkward phases of their lives. Of course I'm talking about Michelle imsosubtleillmakeyouhatemelovemeandcrywithme Williams and Natalie thisgirlcanmakesomethingthatseemssosillyShakespearean Portman. These women plow through their roles with such dimension and insightful nuance you would swear they aren't the same age as most of the actors in 90210 and Gossip Girl based solely on their stellar performances.

We all know who will win (who do you think?), but she might need to prepare her pregnant self to stay seated in order someone who knows a few things or two about experience and the Oscars to take stage, Annette imprettysuresheshouldhaveanoscarbynow Bening. In case you haven't been reading my little inserts I'll restate the last one, WHY HASN'T ANNETTE BENING WON AN OSCAR YET?!!

Annete Bening is one hell of an actress, one of Hollywood's most reliably good ones. Just for her seniority in the industry alone she should win, but I digress Natalie has also been in the industry a while. The question is, will the academy give it to the women who has finally truly proven herself in the industry or the women who did over ten years ago....? You decide, but really it's just up to the Academy.... Bummer :{

Now I loved The Fighter (Christian Bale! & Melissa Leo!) and Black Swan especially,but this year's true entertainment and maybe surprise will come from only two categories and that is what I'm waiting for....Also to if James vactantcutie Franco and Anne ising! Hathaway can pull off their hosting duties....and the moment Franco will have with the teleprompter as he stands in silence and confussion while Anne runs on stage with Hugh Jackman in tow....You know, just in case ;}